Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tit and tat

First, shout outs to Joseph Lavoie,, for making the final four of the Next Great Canadian PM contest. Joseph's a good guy and a fellow Glendon student so all the best to him. Even though he's a Tory, he's one of the few acceptable Tories, and I've heard a few good ideas from him in conversation and on his blog so bonne chance to him.

News today Elizabeth May in gonna be running in Peter Mckay's Antigonish riding. That's pretty interesting news. I don't expect her to win, but what it will do is put a little attention where teh Tories might not want it in the next election. Mckay's been pretty loose lipped in the last little while, and if May goes on the attack against him who knows what he'll spurt out. I'm sure Harper will keep a pretty good muzzle on him. Good one to watch.

About Stephan Dion.. well he's been doing a lot of announcements this week to give Canadians a better idea of who he is, and of course to counter the Conservative momentum that's been out there. Well, the Tories are still ahead, but Dion's looked pretty good this week. He's been very polished, and his english is improving. What's a bit interesting though is that the polls have been varying so much in the last couple of weeks which can be understood in a few ways. Either the polls aren't as accurate as they claim to be, or Canadians aren't giving their opinions based on any real substance, thus their transitivity. Well I think the polls are pretty accurate, not as accurate as they claim to be, but reasonably close. If the opinions given aren't really being given on any real substance that means a couple of things: either Canadians don't understand the issues well enough and they aren't being put forth in understandable terms, or there are no attractive options to really captivate Canadians. I suspect it's the former; that's why Harper has been more successful so far because he can go the retail route and not worry about doing anything extremely substantial. That's where we are right now. What the liberals need to do is put the information out there so Canadians can understand it because if it's an issues based election on issues that Canadians don't really understand, the deciding factor is going to switch to, as all the pundits say, the leadership question. Right now Harper is winning that, and that's going to be more of his forte because he's more alpha male and Dion's more intellectual, so either if Dion improves, I'd give Harper the edge. Still, in politics events out of one's control occurr and they alter the dynamics. I'm sure some will come, I just don't know what they are.

Finally, the budget's out tommorrow, no extra buzz this time despite a minority government because no one wants an election. Let's see how it affects the PQ election though.

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